Become a
Hot Tub Dealer
Take the first step towards becoming a Beachcomber UK Hot Tub dealer.
Company Name
Post Code
Please tell us about yourself and your business?
What is your back ground? Do you have family who will be working with you? What skills have you and your team?
Tell us about your market and how you would find out about the competition selling hot tubs?
Where does your company fit in size, are you smaller or larger than the competition?
How many hot tubs do you sell/see yourself selling?
Will you/Do you fit the hot tubs and service them yourself?
What form of advertising are you currently doing?
How did you hear about us?
What are the top three things that you look for in a supplier/partner?
Will you be looking for a showroom or currently got one? (If so what size, location and how much footfall?)
Have you any experience in Hot Tubs, if so where, when and how many?
What sort of margins, as a percentage, do you expect to earn by selling spas?
How does this compare to other products you sell?
In what time frame are you looking at becoming a dealer?
Have you researched the hot tub Industry and what do you think?
Any additional information you require please let me know...
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